Thursday, August 21, 2014

Rana Sanaullah met U.S. Consul General hargn Ryder

Lahore (Reuters) Former Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah said the U.S. Consul General hargn Ryder met to discuss the current political situation in the country has. This meeting is a time. The U.S. State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan said. Pakistan's current political situation closely they are. And in such circumstances unconstitutional as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif not to support each removal. Embassy of the parties to resolve the issues through dialogue is called for.

Public "parliament" and "Speaker" suspended the reconciliation agenda

Less Bowl (Mohammad Zubair Awan) Two political parties in the name of thousands of people are encamped in the federal capital, fountain pool after conceding tent poles and flags used to bring emissions Wait a suspicion in convoys from Lahore mbtlaءrhalykn 'acank'ajazt got balkyr completed the provincial capital, Islamabad route akadkauaqaat come but ultimately successful' invasion 'was. But to stop the different bases are discussed and zyrupuaynt shelter Avenue stayed Suhrawardi, addresses the 'deadline' phase began and eventually came to the red zone. .
Warning not to drive through the gates of Parliament House announced the mosquito could not enter and announced shortly after the reversal. He's everything that I sit guyahuyy but will not interfere in the movement.
PTI Shah Mehmood Qureshi's resignation as prime minister calls for dialogue to take irrevocably released a statement shortly after the turn. Politicians believe that the negotiations on the preparation of the operation. Next day the potential to once again announce negotiations.
  Politics of the new "color" and 92 World Cup wins other politician Imran Khan, the "elite" made​​. If every home 'parliament' was. Where the poor people never Housewife 'Speaker' role was seen. Some people in the neighborhood of our party's favor. Some ruling party, everyone is making their own logic. Prime Minister Imran Khan to look each case are few. Nawaz Sharif's government in the past with some regrets carnage treatment. . I will emphasize the role of the speaker. Come between the balakrdunun housewife "agenda" than were able to start a discussion.
A commitment by the parties or any of the past, of course, was the work of procrastination. Gzrckahy water under the bridge now. OK, not constitutionally subordinate to the Election Commission. But the government if it had been timely. Yablauasth indirect contact that is not an option PTI Croatian assurance. And could advise. Under the amendment to the Election Commission lyajasktahy work. Amendment brought PTI, PML-N would be in favor of the amendment. But other parties have confidence in the justice.
If some of the legitimate demands of the sit-ins, but some seem srasrby tikka and unenforceable. PTI Conditional demand for talks before and after the resignation of the Prime Minister to be other demands? Remove from office the members of the Election Commission, the country's chief executive hunalazm. Passed yaahdy removed from his resignation, in order to lower the EC held qaydayuan There will also be changes. Federal Election Commission members or officials involved in rigging Condemned Where will it be? The Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the PML-N to accept the new prime minister will be coming from? And if the only condition of PTI Sharif's resignation. March revolution kyabny Midterm elections are not obstacles. And the system of government would be eliminated.
Some even believe that the school daktrtahralqadry PTI chairman expressed confidence in the practical politics of the party when drnaktm "revolution" may end. Some other political parties in Parliament to solve problems in other words rhnmaءbhy Prime kumstafy suggests that the sacrifice He sacrificed many times before "dialog" marcky government, and "sit-party" both qdragy have grown to a death or dying I could return.
Khajasktahy current situation as "snake lizard in the mouth, which is next swallows"

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Parliament House was surrounded pat workers, demands to resign and be an inside or outside: Dr. Tahir

Islamabad (Reuters) The head of Pakistan Awami Tehreek ul Parliament's main gates, including drnady kruzyraazm yaandr not give a person to step out of the house also. The Parliament House kaghyrawkrky pat workers closed the door. Tahir explained. Resignation of the prime minister, mosquito till demands were not passed, you feel no bodies, but in any case the gzrkrjayy Army soldiers athayajayy hands on, after addressing the Parliament pat workers rushed to the door and drnady dyalykn 'revolutionaries' successful kaprawnakam and members were out of the house.

Daas, Al are the biggest enemies of Islam: Saudi Grand Mufti

RIYADH (Reuters) Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz, Iraq and Syria daas Islamic extremist organization al Islam first declared enemy aliens Non abdalazyzal The Grand Mufti Sheikh said that extremist and terrorist afkarukyalat there is no place in Islam. Terrorism has become the first skarmslman. Examples of the hands of the Muslims auralqaadh daas prdhayy atrocities match. Mufti appealed to the masses. He expressed confidence that the ruling against terrorism led government would stand on the back. And with the government in every difficult thing stage. He said terrorists kbrdarkrty. Direct violation of the teachings of Islam are being committed. Saudi Sheikh-ul-Islam said that groups like daas auralqaadh nothing to do with Islam, nor Likewise guidance.

Political, defense and finance minister took glorify

Islamabad (web address) Prime Minister and Finance Minister to remove the paint coat and tie and hands wore shalwar kameez pkrly.tfsylat glorify the Federal Minister for Water and Power, Khawaja Asif, who apologized to the nation that can not over load have sought, and glorify the concentration are engaged in on p. Federal Finance Minister Senator Ishaq Dar were also engaged in prayer. PPP leader Qamar came to them. Said. He said that Dar. Shah walk in chamber. Crisis and find a solution together.

Fakhruddin Ebrahim sick, hospitalized

Karachi (web address) Rita yrd former Chief Election Commissioner Justice Fakhruddin G Ibrahim Aga Khan Hospital on health has been deteriorating. According to sources, the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where his condition has been inserted into said to be poorly hy.kandany sources pose the asthma.

Kurds 'home' in the tank to make

BAGHDAD (Reuters) Islamic militant group in Iraq, Syria and Iraq (ISI S) invasion, the Kurds suffer from a lack of support from the military under then help develop a closed tank. Kurds defense organization YGP trucks, vans and bulldozers took up protective shields and machine guns gave them the form of tanks. Although the Kurds have developed them hard. But defense experts. The giant size of nothing other than toys and ISI S rocket will put them through a sieve. A Turkish news website Opseyon Haber says some tanks on the battlefield to the deceased is being used as an ambulance. These tanks were made ​​of designs and images look quite ridiculous.

PAF Shaheen Rashid Minhas Shaheed embraced martyrdom took 43 years to complete

Karachi (Reuters) home to give his life for the sake of the nation, the great son Rashid Minhas Shaheed embraced martyrdom was completed 43 years on February 17, 1951 in Karachi, Rashid Minhas responsible senior from St. Patrick's College, Cambridge passed. Several of his family members were in high positions in the armed forces. Which is the heart of the defense of the motherland has renewed spirit. And his uncle, Wing Commander Syed ءpr emotional affiliation in 1968 he joined the air force. On 20 August 1971, Rashid Minhas Masroor Air Base for his third solo flights. T-33 jet began. He then forced his flight instructor Motiur Rahman said. Motiur Rahman wanted to take the plane to the limits of India, Rashid Minhas, strong resistance, but did not succeed in shaking the dust prmtya ur ambitions. The aircraft was turning toward Earth. 32 miles away from the Indian border and the plane crashed in Thatta. Workers who laid down his life for his unique sacrifice Rashid Minhas Haider was awarded the highest military honor. Who received the highest military honor, the youngest of the armed forces and the only officer of the PAF.

Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri issued a warrant

Gujranwala (Reuters) ansdaddhstgrdy Court of Pakistan Awami Tehreek chief daktrtahralqadry non-bailable arrest warrants have been issued. Martyrs Day clash with police on charges filed in the trial. During the court hearing, including the daktrtahralqadry pat police issued arrest warrants for 72 workers ordered arrested again present at the hearing.

Russian Woman killed boyfriend over dispute

Dubai (web address) Dubai-based 32-year-old Russian woman kills boyfriend after an argument. According to media reports, police recovered the body of slain woman flat arrested. According to police, the woman was drunk with her friend after a fight he stabbed and killed. Russian woman, a friend told police that the woman was suspected that the victim's relationships with other women. Police have sent the body to hospital for autopsy.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's meeting with PTI Chairman Imran Khan's decision, the statement is false: Khwaja Khwaja Saad Rafiq

Lahore (Reuters) federal radio Minister for Railways, Khawaja Saad Rafiq Twitter account of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, PTI chief Imran Khan talks were announced. Later, however, in his statement, said the federal. Tuyytrpr that is attributed to the lattice. They do not have an account on the social networking website. Social networking website Twitter in a tweet minister wrote. Meeting with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to Imran Khan, The Messenger. Freedom march spearheaded by Imran Khan used offensive language in the country to meet the Prime Minister. Announced through the media to the emergence badkuajh Saad Sharif. Tuyytrpr not true that the statement attributed to the spiritual leader. Micro-blogging website is not affiliated with any statement. Analysts have idea. The government has been too late to solve the problem. In March the government announced it would be and then. The response varies. But even met Prime probables should adopt a clear stance. They still say that they have chosen to go, you can not quit. Etc. etc. So do not get to meet.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Pakistan Army release waterman 'whispers' songs were singing

Sialkot (web address) in your area, who entered Pakistan by Indian security forces handed over to Indian authorities alive. Sujit Garh sector at the Pakistan Rangers Wing Chenab kmandrkrnl dignity Indian security forces soldier laughing shell Bensch Kumar Yadav Wing Commander of the Indian security forces handed. The flow in the river Tawi mnaur boat to the BSF BSF officials said. The Chenab Rangers and BSF officials on an agreement signed by the regular staff of the Indian Army to go into a separate room physically inspected kya.yadrhy Yadav of the Indian security forces to handle shell Chenab Ranger Headquarters was presented to the media. He told August 6 BSF boat River mnaurtuy other fellow officers with patrolling the boat overturn the flow in Pakistani territory was the Pakistan Rangers soldiers a ± the sinking saved . Rangers take care of him and fed. Kept and did not mind the attention. Pakistani Rangers can help as well, and were present in Pakistan despite India's military treated me better than expected. On which he is happy and he is the greatest pleasure of ± He went back to his wife and children will be returned to India.

American woman's neighbors shameful things with chairs

Seattle (News Desk) drunk alcohol in the United States, a woman in a house at the end of the shamelessness of residents entered their lawn chairs on the lawn and then I started sexual activity and other questionable made motions. Beacon Hill Seattle This event occurred in the city's area. Family breathtaking moment when a 33-year-old woman were crumbling into the sprawling lawn chairs, and there were certain parts of the sexual assaults were targeted. Indecency with several chairs in the lawn after the woman has something that families such obscene acts completely terrified, and he had to call 911 emergency service. When security personnel arrived at the scene, even bizarre case was slightly worried but after some effort was ultimately control women. My family has launched legal action against her.

Runny nose and sore throat immediately tested prescription for resting

Birmingham (HIT), today is a rainy season and hyn.aksr having problems like diseases and such weather is bad in the throat and runny nose. In addition to other obligations to be observed in this season, but if you want to get rid of them must follow the following simple steps:
1.nak flowing in warm water with a little salt and nose to nose Stretch After thoroughly cleaned. It will stop a runny nose for a few hours.
2. Lhab combustion to prevent persistent cough leads to sore.
A fork stuck in the skin etc. 3.agr not coming out on top of the banana peel, then put the belt hooked marrow should be level with the surface of the skin. Thorn will come out automatically.
4.nakn swelling of the skin around the dip to keep it for a while in salt water.
If a pixel appears 5.jld being spoon heated in hot water and put on top of it
-6 Feet to prevent blisters from shoes rubbing on the plastic strip or put tape.
-7 If you are prone to panic begin normal activity or to delete pictures on the phone or make a list of tasks required to start.
-8 To rid bad breath and drink water frequently and use celery.
Apply honey on the skin burns -9.
10. Cut on the skin and in case of baby powder on the Block.
11. Wound in the mouth comes packed juice drink made ​​of tea leaves and sip in his mouth for a while.
Trumpet pain tablespoon ice cold and the upper part of the mouth Apply.
13.mchr bites the infected area to relieve discomfort Apply toothpaste on a minute.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Pakistan Army Chief of Security and Foreign talks Australia, Australian Foreign Minister met

RAWALPINDI (APP) Pakistan Army chief Gen Raheel Sharif talks to Australia's security and foreign aurastrylyn met with Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said. Department of Army Public Relations (ISPR) in a statement issued by is called. Pakistan Army Chief General Raheel Sharif, while addressing the participants of Australia's security and foreign negotiations. Pakistan's efforts against terrorism and highlighted the importance of cooperation with the international community. And global peace and stability, said Pakistan has played its role. Pakistan's sacrifices in the war against terrorism highest. The Army's commitment to dialogue participants and appreciated the efforts against terrorism. Army chief General Raheel Sharif, Julie Bishop met with Australian Foreign Minister and between the world-wide face of terrorism challenges and discuss matters of mutual interest were discussed.

The woman casting fake agent, Mathai life lost

Nyudhly (HIT) in the Indian state of Bihar, a woman who tried to bring a fake healer since I lost my manhood. Newspaper "India Today" The woman suffered from mental problems, but were unaware of family contact an agent. Black ruaaml take from a few days in isolation woman was sexually harassed and threatened that someone was going to be terrible to end. The woman told police that she satans actors wanted to avenge his shameful actions. And one day when her agent called back into isolation. If they take a sharp knife and a mobile phone. Porn actors spoke so worthless as evidence can be. She says. Factor when the wicked tried to rape her. He stabbed the knife from him forever lose the ability to have abused. Police. Factor that accursed important organ of the body has been cut out of the wilderness. And still continues its search.

The government withdrew the implementation of Article 245 or more will have the party in protest: Khurshid Shah

Islamabad (APP): Opposition leader in National Assembly, Khurshid Shah said. The government took back the implementation of Article 245. If PPP is at the forefront of protests. Vocation mini martial law in the capital of the federal army and government failure. The National Assembly in Islamabad to discuss the implementation of Section 245 of the Opposition said. There is a clause in the Constitution to call the army, the People's Party, also called the Army in Malakand. But we had confidence in parliament, the PPP in Islamabad objected to the imposition of Section 245. But will tell the House why, according to normalcy, the more bad things are in Peshawar. Peoples Party leader said. The PPP in the past have sacrificed for democracy. And still a threat to democracy, then head out into the field will tie the shroud, democracy means government should not save, companies will not cover politics. PTI adding that the government and Qadri So, afraid, let Islamabad Insaf workers, more than 6 days in Islamabad and sit.

zerb-e-azb: 30 terrorists killed in air strikes, destroying six bases

RAWALPINDI (APP) in North Waziristan Pak Army operation against terrorists blow fresh air azb successfully released 30 terrorists killed in action when their hideouts have been destroyed. Pak Army Public Relations Department (ISPR) the Datta Khel area of ​​North Waziristan, jet planes, Mercy Khel and bombed hideouts of militants in kmsam which resulted in 30 terrorists killed when their hideouts were destroyed 6. Still in operation in Miranshah, Mir Ali, sow, dygan and Datta Khel area had been cleared, while other areas in order to gain control of the operation. Azb The multiplication operation far more than 500 terrorists soldiers have been killed while 30 soldiers have also embraced martyrdom.

Contact Asif Zardari, Imran Khan, PPP likely to join in the march of freedom

Karachi (APP): Former President Asif Ali Zardari has said that fair elections can be a real democracy, with elections PTI will stand support. Asif Ali Zardari PTI Chairman Imran Khan telephone contacted and discussed with regard to the freedom march. The Independence March organized by PTI after the PPP and PTI is the first official contact. According to Dunya News TV Pakistan during a telephonic conversation regarding the current political situation and the march of freedom is discussed. Contacted again in the next few hours is likely to appear. Political experts that communication between the two leaders are calling the utmost importance. And is likely to be. Imran Khan join PPP Freedom March will be able to agree. Rhnmaءsyryn Mazari PTI has confirmed the telephone conversation. And between the two leaders talked for 10 minutes. Imran and Asif Ali Zardari on his stance correct rigging, calling for fair electoral process and appreciated the efforts of the PTI.

Aggression in Gaza, stopped supplying arms to Israel, Spain

Barcelona (HIT) Israeli atrocities in Palestine reached its zenith. There is also a shame that some Western countries. After protests from various countries, Spain, Israel announced the ban on arms supplies. Spain is among the countries. By the Israeli military equipment has been widely exported. But Israel's aggression in Palestine resulted in the death of thousands of innocent women and children have decided Spain. Illegal use of weapons that have been recovered, during the last twenty-four hours is another country which has imposed arms embargo on Israel. Spanish newspaper "El feet," he said. The government war on weapons and military technology has temporarily banned. And the ban continued Israeli operation in Gaza is a direct relationship. Diplomatic ties with Israel in protest over Brazil before the Brazilian president has also declared Israel a terrorist state has., The situation in many Muslim countries all have a responsibility to put on Hamas.

Construction embarrassing hotels in Spain, people protest

Barcelona (HIT) in Spain in recent days after several sexual scandal uylnsya a city businessman has also opened a hotel. The facilities have been provided for violent sexual acts. But local people protest it is facing temporary closure. This hotel has 20 rooms and four calls made ​​kuthryan. For couples in which one of the chains for hanging, torture and the tools to tie ropes were arranged. The hotel owner said. The film "Fifty shades of Grey" inspire people to want to facilitate violent sex game. When local businessman shameful act of revelation. He protested. And the Mayor started legal action to close the hotel. Locals say. This hotel is very close to their Religious Forum. They can not afford to worship the one hand and the other hand on experience. The couple performed sexual violence are under way, the hotel owner is hoped that they will be able to open it again soon.