Wednesday, August 20, 2014

PAF Shaheen Rashid Minhas Shaheed embraced martyrdom took 43 years to complete

Karachi (Reuters) home to give his life for the sake of the nation, the great son Rashid Minhas Shaheed embraced martyrdom was completed 43 years on February 17, 1951 in Karachi, Rashid Minhas responsible senior from St. Patrick's College, Cambridge passed. Several of his family members were in high positions in the armed forces. Which is the heart of the defense of the motherland has renewed spirit. And his uncle, Wing Commander Syed ءpr emotional affiliation in 1968 he joined the air force. On 20 August 1971, Rashid Minhas Masroor Air Base for his third solo flights. T-33 jet began. He then forced his flight instructor Motiur Rahman said. Motiur Rahman wanted to take the plane to the limits of India, Rashid Minhas, strong resistance, but did not succeed in shaking the dust prmtya ur ambitions. The aircraft was turning toward Earth. 32 miles away from the Indian border and the plane crashed in Thatta. Workers who laid down his life for his unique sacrifice Rashid Minhas Haider was awarded the highest military honor. Who received the highest military honor, the youngest of the armed forces and the only officer of the PAF.

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