Sunday, July 6, 2014

Grandmother from hell sent to the picture: women who claim to have worried the city

Bucharest (HIT), a woman from Romania has claimed. Spirit of his late grandmother sent her picture on her mobile phone. It is the punishment of all the city has spread panic. They are gathered in churches to worship. The 31-year-old from the town of Mhow sykrtysty the live image is visible to the entire town. And is sent over the Internet. In the image of a snake wrapped around the neck of her grandmother's. He sees the pain and fear. Gina says she can see when you shook your phone before that was horrible picture of her late grandmother. He took my phone to the astrologer was a factor. The spirit of the grandmother on the phone, the image itself is drawn. This means that the snake's neck. It is punishment. Romania has a tradition that people once a year I go to the cemetery to remember the dead of the food distributed. But Gina said her grandmother died three years ago and since then she has not even food for the cemetery. Asybtaya the food was a big mistake not to take the grandmother launched Doom. Asked the local priest to live food for forty days will bring a cemetery. Grandma's horrible picture on the front and a large number shy entire city gathered at churches where they tormented soul grandmother and remember the dead are prayers to get rid.

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