Sunday, July 6, 2014

The university where women grow hair will get extra marks

New York (News Desk) our teacher and our success to achieve good marks usually advised to carefully read and hard to do. But an American woman professor is teaching her students. Extra marks if they want to. So just shut your armpit hair. Bren Professor of Gender Studies at the University of Fez state of Arizona are taught. A time for giving extra marks are asking students and students in the first several smstrz using this method have gained extra marks. Professor Sahiba say that our society requires that girls usually they keep the body free of hair while the men do not have this restriction. They want their students to rebel against social norms so that they can know what it is to conduct community. That is why they offer students every semester that they do not clean armpit hair will get extra marks for his students as well as the condition that they keep the body clean all the hair can get extra marks. Professor Brian says. TlbaĜĦjsm will clear all of the hair. They would know. The students have to work very hard to keep the hair clean. Students to follow the professor's instructions after their family and friends with his bizarre behavior is demonstrated, in particular, students say that their boyfriends armpit hair on enhancing the long displeasure expressed.

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