Saturday, November 8, 2014

Allama Talib Johri involved in the killing of 45 people, including the son was arrested target killers

Karachi (Reuters) City Allama Talib Johri police chief's son accused of killing 45 people, including several doctors banned Amir claimed to have arrested 4.
According to the e-Johar area of Karachi CID raided banned in Karachi, Syed Ahmad Hassan alias Muawiyah 4 is claimed to be arrested. CID investigative report accused Shiite leader Allama Talib Johri son Syed Kazim Raza and killing 45 people, including several doctors have revealed. Identify other suspects Mr David, Naeem Khan alias Ali, I have names and alias Baba Messenger.
CID Report of Investigation has also revealed that the suspects targeted killings of political activists are involved in. Also in July 2013 in Ancholi bike has admitted involvement in the blast, which killed 6 people.
Police officials say that the group of people who are fleeing are being raided to arrest

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