Thursday, November 13, 2014

30 نومبر کے بعد بھی جو گا وہ ’پر امن‘ ہی ہو گا: عمران خان. November 30, after which he 'peace' would be: Imran Khan

اسلام آباد(مانیٹرنگ ڈیسک) پاکستان تحریک انصاف کے سربراہ عمران خان نے کہا ہے کہ انتخابی دھاندلی کی تحقیقات کے لئے عدالتی کمیشن کی تشکیل کی تجویز مکمل نیک نیتی پر مبنی ہے، ہم نے نواز شریف کو موقع دیا ہے کہ وہ خود کو بے گناہ ثابت کر لیں لیکن ہمیں معلوم ہے کہ دھاندلی کی تحقیقات میں کیا سامنے آنے والا ہے مگر 30 نومبر کے بعد اس حکومت کے خلاف جو کریں گے وہ پر امن ہی ہو گا۔ ایک نجی نیوز چینل کو انٹر ویو میں ان کا کہنا تھ اکہ پی ٹی وی پر حملے کا الزما مجھ پر لگایا جانا میرے لئے ایسے ہی ہے جیسے مجھ پر بھینس چوری کرنے کا الزام عائد کر دیا جائے، میرا اس حملے سے کوئی تعلق نہیں ہے، یہ الزام دراصل حکومت کی کمزاری کی عکاسی کرتا ہے کیونکہ اگر حکمران تگڑے ہوتے تو بھینس چوری کا الزام ہر گز نہ لگاتے ،ہم نے توفوری طور پر اس واقعے کی مذمت کی تھی۔

Islamabad (Reuters) Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan has said. The judicial commission formed to investigate electoral fraud proposal is based on the good faith, we have the opportunity to Nawaz Sharif. They have proven themselves innocent. But we know. What is going to come out in the investigation of the fraud. But since November 30 against the government's will. She will be at peace. In an interview to a private news channel said. PTV attack must be made on me. For me it is the same. Buffalo, like me, be accused of stealing. I have nothing to do with the attack. This charge reflects the fact that the weak. Tougher because the ruling. Never put the buffalo accused of stealing. As we tufury condemned the incident.

لاہور میں پی آئی اے طیارےکو لیزر لائٹ سے نشانہ بنانے کی کوشش .Lahore PIA plane of laser light to target

لاہور (ویب ڈیسک) لاہور میں پی آئی اے کے طیارے کو لیزر لائٹ سے نشانہ بنانے کی کوشش کی گئی، پائلٹ نے اعلیٰ حکام کو تحریری طور پر آگاہ کردیا۔ ذرائع کے مطابق پی آئی اے کی پرواز پی کے 306 کو رن وے کے نزدیک لیزر بیم سے نشانہ بنانے کی کوشش کی گئی۔
اس سے قبل پشاور ایئرپورٹ پر بھی طیارے کو لینڈنگ سے قبل لیزر بیم سے نشانہ بنایا گیا تھا۔

 Lahore (web address) in Lahore PIA plane was targeted by the laser light, the pilot notified in writing to the higher authorities. The PIA flight PK-306 near the runway has been targeted by the laser beam.

The Peshawar airport before landing the plane was targeted by the laser beam.

سوشل میڈیا پر تصویریں اپ لوڈ کرنا خوبرو لڑکی کو بہت مہنگا پڑا ...Photos uploaded to social media handsome girl had very expensive

برمنگھم (نیوز ڈیسک) عموماً ہم فیس بک پر تصاویر اپ لوڈ کرنے سے پہلے زیادہ نہیں سوچتے، ہمارا خیال ہوتا ہے کہ یہ تصاویر محض ہمارے دوستوں اور رشتہ داروں تک محدود رہیں گی لیکن یہ سوچ برمنگھم سے تعلق رکھنے والی 20 سالہ طالبہ ”گریس مار“ کو بہت مہنگی پڑی۔
گریس مار کو چند روز قبل اس کی ایک دوست کی والدہ نے فون کرکے بتایا کہ اس نے ”مار“ کی تصاویر ایک فحش ویب سائٹ کے اشتہار میں دیکھی ہے۔ تحقیق پر معلوم ہوا کہ متعلقہ ویب سائٹ تنہا لوگوں کا جنسی مقاصد کیلئے صنف مخالف سے رابطہ کرانے کا کام کرتی ہے اور ”مس مار“ کی 3 تصاویر مختلف اشتہارات میں استعمال کی جارہی تھیں۔ یہ ”گریس مار“ کی فیس بک پروفائل پکچرز تھیں جو کہ متعلقہ ویب سائٹ نے حاصل کرکے اپنے اشتہار پر لگادیں۔
گریس نے مقامی اخبار سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے بتایا کہ اس وقعہ سے اسے سخت شرمندگی اٹھانا پڑی تاہم اب اس نے اپنی ”پرائیویسی سیٹنگ“ تبدیل کردی ہیں اور فیسبک پر تصاویر بھی اب بہت سوچ سمجھ کر اپ لوڈ کرتی ہے۔ گریس کا کہنا ہے کہ وہ دیگر خواتین کو بھی مشورہ دینا چاہتی ہے کہ اس معاملے میں احتیاط سے کام لیں۔ بہت ساری ویب سائٹس روٹین کی تصاویر ”ایڈٹ“ کرکے انتہائی بے ہودگی سے شائع کرتی ہیں۔ بہتر ہے کہ انٹرنیٹ پر اپنی تصاویر لگانے سے اجتناب ہی کیا جائے۔

Birmingham (HIT) to upload photos to Facebook in general we do not think much before, we feel that these images will be limited to just our friends and relatives, but it is thought the 20-year-old student from Birmingham, "Grace kill "was very expensive.
Grace shot a few days ago a friend's mother called and told her that he "shot" pictures I've seen in a porn site ad. Study found that lonely people related website to make contact with the opposite sex for the purposes of sexual acts and "Miss" kill 3 images were being used in various advertisements. The "Grace" kill Facebook profile picture, which was obtained by the relevant website and put your advert.
Grace told the local newspaper that it uqah hard embarrassed, but now its "Privacy Settings" and change the images on fysbk upload is too much thought. Grace says she wants other women to suggest that in this case carefully. Many websites photographed routine "Edit" from the extreme absurdity publish. It is better to be done to avoid putting your photos on the Internet.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

US troops in Afghanistan stealing millions of dollars in arms and lifted disclosure

WASHINGTON (Reuters) US defense agencies, according to a report by the Pentagon, the US military in Afghanistan extort millions of dollars worth of weapons and equipment Or stolen from the US Department of Defense Inspector General report tabled in loss there are also proposals for redress. Whereas in Afghanistan since 2010, according to the report, which was closed and there exists a large number of military bases could not get the goods. Similarly, from 2006 until 2010, more than one lakh 74 thousand different equipment including the arms, absent which makes more than $ 430 million worth. In 2014 only 23% of the equipment is undertaking was given.

2 killed in firing on glass cafe

Lahore (Reuters) illegally fired glass café in Lahore on 2 persons were killed and one was injured in the firing, the glass-clad walk cafes opening pool Police are trying to hide.
2 killed in came a man was injured, despite the ban openly exposed glass cafe run silently in the present investigation officer in charge of the investigation came to the jany.zraya comfort and ignorance of the facts expressing sought time to complete the investigation.
Police took into custody the bodies of the victims sent for autopsy, police say 3 people have been detained and investigated.

Lt Gen Rizwan Akhtar took charge as DG ISI

Islamabad (Reuters) last month promoted Lieutenant-General Rizwan Akhtar, Pakistan's premier intelligence agency ISI has taken over as the head. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was appointed to the post last month. Rizwan Akhtar, ISI's 21st head. DG ISI before taking office, he also served as DG Rangers expose floating during the search operation in Karachi, including LED and several wanted terrorists arrested. In 1982 he was commissioned in the Pakistan Army.

The $ 21 billion between Pakistan and China agreements and MoUs were signed

BEIJING (Reuters) Energy and Economic Corridor project between Pakistan and China, including 21 agreements and MoUs were signed.
According to the Prime Minister Mian Mohammad Nawaz Sharif in Beijing Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister Lee Chung bilateral relations and exchanged views on the regional situation. During the meeting between the two countries, including economic and technical cooperation was signed 21 agreements and MoUs.
is determined, the visit to Pakistan would help solve the problem of power and energy to solve the problem of growth and prosperity in the country. He said that Pakistan-China economic corridor project is a reflection of strong friendship between the two countries, the project will change the destiny of the region, it will create jobs and will eliminate poverty. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that the Chinese Premier's visit to Pakistan and Pakistan awaits supports one-China policy.
The prime minister's spokesman said that Dr Mossadegh country's friendship with China is the public face worn, psymandh area development agreements made with China, and youth will get employment, economic growth corridor project cities but shall not be limited psymandh area will grow, which will be developed at Gwadar, Balochistan will develop. He said that Pakistan-China energy projects will receive up to 10 thousand 500 megawatts of additional electricity, coal would be 3 and a half years in power. China solar energy, hydropower, wind and hydro power projects have been signed, the energy crisis in Pakistan are starting new businesses.

Hijab Muslim Women in the United States related to its unique way of getting to know the opinion of the

NEW YORK (Reuters) youth in the United States relating to non-Muslim women hijab mnfr The way to find out the opinion of a non-Muslim girl wearing hijab apnalya.tfsylat the Gospel with Muslim boys a stall on the street of New York where the Muslim women wearing the hijab try the invite. Hundreds of people belonging to different religions, women wore the hijab for the first time and then give their opinions felt good to wear the hijab. Women say that when they see other women in hijab, they do not even acceptable. Make video of young Muslim women in the video's purpose is to highlight the positive attitude of the hijab.

Khana Kaba and rose water from the Zamzam Holy Fire ceremony of bathing

Mecca (Reuters) Like every year this year too the house to bathe the sustainer function which mnaqad Zamzam in Mecca Masjid was bathed and rose water.
The governor of Mecca in Saudi ceremony, President of the Two Holy Mosques Sheikh Abdul AlRahman Sodais administration, the royal family and foreign dignitaries, including scholars of various Muslim countries also participated in large numbers. The inner walls of the House rose water and incense were bathed in a wet white cloth on the floor and rose water pouring Zamzam made from palm leaves help clean sweep.
The House Research every year on January 15 Muharram and bathed.

President Obama approved a further 1,500 troops to Iraq

WASHINGTON (Reuters) US President Barack Obama approved sending 1,500 more troops in Iraq, according to US media, according to a statement from the White House sent 1,500 troops to Iraq to train the Iraqi and Kurdish troops and the 5 billion to $ 6 million in funding from Congress to be approved. This money will be used in the military operations in Iraq and Syria, a billion of that amount to $ 6 million to Iraqi and Kurdish soldiers trained and armed US troops sent to Iraq just hugy.byan the part in any military action will.

Qadri announces return this month

NEW YORK (Reuters) Qadri Pakistan Awami Tehreek chief announced earlier this month to return home, she said only one correct leadership that can save Pakistan. Speaking at the ceremony in New York, Qadri said that Model Town tragedy FIR was registered on the intervention of the army, but despite the lapse of four months FIR investigation could not proceed, the Commission Shahbaz guilty, but it was not to be. Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri said that Pakistan is only one true leadership can defense. Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri said that after a trip to Europe this month, I will go back.

Do you know what the word means Wi.Fi? The answer will surprise you

New York (News Desk) Nowadays wifi (wifi) baby is familiar with the words and life of those who use the wireless Internet has become an integral part of it you know. But it is an acronym of the words? If you have a technology specialist, ask if they will say that wi-fi characters of wireless fidelity short and interesting, the biggest specialist you that will tell but this answer is not correct .So the fact is, it's a fascinating story is.
It's 1999, the Wireless Ethernet kmpytybylty Alliance (weca), a scientific group IEEE802.11b standards. For fastest wireless internet trying to find a simple name for this end of the company was responsible for Internet Brands. Co., 13 names were suggested including Sky Bridge, Torch Light and flyover name like included .anhy a name Wi-Fi was also this name wireless fidelity no connection with it was just hi-fi matches the name of the object Wireless high-speed Internet to showcase name was used for the Internet.
The Wi-Fi Alliance, an organization named made it in the early days of the Internet, this new and faster type "the standard for wireless fidelity ©" he cried excluded the people began to understand that the Wi-Fi wireless fidelity kamkff While this fact These characters have no connection and is not an abbreviation of any word.

Allama Talib Johri involved in the killing of 45 people, including the son was arrested target killers

Karachi (Reuters) City Allama Talib Johri police chief's son accused of killing 45 people, including several doctors banned Amir claimed to have arrested 4.
According to the e-Johar area of Karachi CID raided banned in Karachi, Syed Ahmad Hassan alias Muawiyah 4 is claimed to be arrested. CID investigative report accused Shiite leader Allama Talib Johri son Syed Kazim Raza and killing 45 people, including several doctors have revealed. Identify other suspects Mr David, Naeem Khan alias Ali, I have names and alias Baba Messenger.
CID Report of Investigation has also revealed that the suspects targeted killings of political activists are involved in. Also in July 2013 in Ancholi bike has admitted involvement in the blast, which killed 6 people.
Police officials say that the group of people who are fleeing are being raided to arrest

Friday, November 7, 2014

Shah Mehmood meets CEC Consultation on the names, want democracy Independent Election Commission: Joint press conference

Islamabad (Reuters) for the appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner, in consultation with the various political parties have intensified. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Khurshid Shah and the consultation process is completed. According to Shah Mehmood Qureshi met PTI rhnmaءsah. Relating to the appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner, the names were discussed. While the movement has been given a formal name. Talking to media after meeting Shah explained. Responsibility as the leader of the opposition. And they do so in consultation with the name of the Chief Election Commissioner Qureshi met for a consultation. He is part of the opposition movement. He came to them for advice. Justice Nasir Aslam Zahid, during which he gave the name. Justice Rana Bhagwandas and while we have named. He added. It would be better for the country. The Election Commission should not be controversial.
Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on the occasion. In our opinion that the 2013 elections were not transparent. While democracy requires elections. EC is dependent on the current EC is not acceptable to us. And we want to reconstitute the Election Commission. We also want the. Chief Election Commissioner that it could not lift a finger. He said the PTI has named Justice Nasir Aslam Zahid. Whose intelligence and integrity can lift a finger. He said the opposition leader in consultation with the other parties do not have curbs, Khurshid Shah EC consider that the constitutional aspect of the appointment and the appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner, the basic process is to be completed. In response to a question from the court, he said the PTI to every forum, but did not do justice to the movement, but the talks were up. Imran Khan refused to negotiate is not clear.

Sick young girls can prematurely old: experts

London (web address) Medical experts have said that sadness, disappointment and disgust of extremely young girls can prematurely old. depressed girls living in a state of tension in the body produces stress hormones Corte, who has produced more civil. The study revealed that the girls in this astonishing hereditary depression was located at the ends of chromosomes tlumrky protective tip length less than girls his age thy.saynsdanun the protective caps of chromosomes decrease in telomere length is considered to be a sign of aging. Depressed girls learned from experience that telomere length was so small, as an adult human's life through a six-year low on stress hormones in the body, scientists say that high amounts of emissions in civil Corte our bodily organs, the immune system and can damage the brain, according to scientists studied a victim of despair and depression among girls with regular exercise to get rid of long-term depression also should learn some techniques.

House Officer I suspect arrested on charges of blasphemy killed

Gujarat (web address) of Civil Lines Police Station ASI suspect in custody on charges of contempt of religion out of the cells killed by war ax. The suspect was arrested. According to the DPO. Accused of blasphemy case was tried to color. No recurrence has occurred from the religious. According to the Civil Lines police station ASI Naveed downs late 15's call. People during the patrols reported brawl at Usman Plaza Jail Jhang Chowk area of 46-year-old resident of Rodeo Sultan Haider Ali Imran Anwar Tufail got to bleed for. Police station where he stopped and the uproar. This case, but the cops were cool. Investigation re Tufail Haider still Jhang during an argument with the police on the ASI Downs promises made to the room exactly cutting ax hit him put to death. Soon after the incident, police rushed DPO Gujrat opinion and ASI Ejaz Naveed downs grab taken the ax to get arrested and transferred to the body Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Hospital for autopsy. DPO Ijaz opinion Gujarat Civil Lines Police Station SHO Maqsood Malik Amir and suspended scrivener started inquiry against them. DPO said exactly happened to the religious argument that is not the case. Mentally accused not being told. gya.alauh murdered Gujarat Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif civil Lines police work with the notice of the death of the young and the DPO seeks report from Gujarat.

Islamabad High Security Zone sake, the ordinance was drafted

Islamabad (Reuters) federal capital formation in the high security zone ordinance has been drafted, the draft rydzun recommends ban on picketing and protesting against the proposal was sentenced to ten years is.
According to the draft law to Parliament House, Prime Minister House and the Office of the Presidency, the Supreme Court, the Federal Shariat Court, Diplomatic Enclave, FBR, Government Avenue parade square and be part of the high security zone in the high security zone in any area gy.cyf Commissioner shall be authorized to call, according to a draft of the High security Zone protest, women and children will not be allowed to sit as a shield and spam will not be able to enter the security zone.
Damage to a building according to the draft, or to stick to the ban on the gathering of more than four persons. Ten years in prison for violating the ordinance has been proposed.

Umrah visitors to ski eyes, fingerprints compulsory

Lahore (Development Cell) Hajj Policy 2015 ءpakstan Umrah pilgrimage eye skiing and fingerprints mandatory, apruul the Umrah pilgrims to the Saudi's designated trust corporation itself at eye skiing and fingerprints would give the Pakistani Travel Saudi Consulate and confidence to meet the representative of the corporation.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Shafqat Zahra hospital for my 12 kanal land was transferred to the Trust

Lahore (web address) to model my profile page Charity Hospital Sialkot 12 kanal land was transferred in the name of love, Venus Trust. According to news reports, the citizens of Sialkot Naeem Ghumman land transfers made ​​to the trust so that it could never be sold. The actress was last visited Sialkot s political gain possession of the land. I say that they want, which opened this month, the hospital have started preparations.

Terrorists fired at the convoy of the construction company, losses were not

Turbat (Reuters) convoy near Dasht bad state construction company in three blasts caused no casualties, but the blasts hua.askry The Dasht area of ​​Turbat Barry was passing caravan of state construction company, which the terrorist kidneys from four roadside blasts, explosions, severe damage to the three vehicles in the caravan phnca.ayf Organisation employees were suitable for normal work where the desert ambush by terrorists from both large and small arms invade, Mehsud Scouts and forces the full response, but no one was hurt in the attack.

Lahore potential terrorist threat, terrorist agencies have outlined

Lahore (Reuters) terrorism in Muharram outlining the potential terrorists sent to police. Muharram .Specification sensitive agencies around the outline of a possible terrorist sent to police. The outline of a possible terrorist information from different sources has been developed through. Intelligence agencies say. Is it possible terrorist named Abdul Rahman. And 17 years of age hy.hsas institutions. Potential terrorist Abdul is absent lately. The main target of Muharram processions or public figure may be important. .hsas Information agencies have swung into action after the Punjab police. Police search for possible terrorist raids have taken place. But still could not bring his arrest.

Friday, October 24, 2014

After the death of the world's rare teacher who did not leave the classroom

Baghdad (news desk) Romania by school children in classes that teach Anatomy of a former headmaster bones are used alygzyndu According to a man named Gregory pop secty Southeast Romania fifty years of elementary school teaching was serving. And his death was linked to the sector in a will. During my career, I had this urge. Bayyalujy in school education must be a human skeleton but it was not possible. So now I will. After my death, my structure to be cleaned out. And to facilitate the students in the classroom to be. Where I taught for fifty years. After his death, according to the wishes of the structure was fired for hanging in the classroom. By the health department, saying it was seized. Structure unless we take that on the basis of the principles of hygiene. This can not be allowed in school. However, the health department after his consolation structures placed in a glass container is returned to school. So that they can keep it in the classroom, the school children. Former headmaster classroom structure is helpful in teaching our presence. And when he returned to it by the Department of Health said.

Iran once again violated Pakistani border, fired five mortar

QUETTA (Reuters) violated Iranian border forces continued intermittently fired shells Mater in Pakistan and Iran, however, has fortunately no casualties.
According to sources, the district Kharan district of Balochistan maskyl fanatical Iranian forces in Pakistani territory and the shooting was unprovoked firing. Iranian forces during which Mater unprovoked firing five shells were fired into Pakistani territory. Mortar shells fell near a security checkpoint. But fortunately no one was hurt in the attack. Iranian attacks FC had beaten them to respond fully.
The. Before that, the Iranian forces had violated Pakistan's border limits. Which drew protests from the Foreign Office. And summoned the Iranian ambassador also. Iranian security forces attacked an FC martyred when the security personnel were injured.

The most dangerous virus eradicated aybula! Company has claimed

London (News Desk) A British company has claimed. He has developed a chemical. Protect aybula killed by the virus is capable of. Spray the name Duo Max) and the company says. It is the only spray aybula virus without harming the skin has the potential to kill. Nor the use of other parts of the body is damaged. Because it is a non-hazardous chemicals. Being safe can use it to multi-region. And the spray does not damage the eyes. Duo Max does not only kill the deadly virus. But also inhibits growth. The DNA and RNA viruses, this product is destroyed. The virus dies. And the product of other chemical disinfectants such as chlorine can be used. British company says. Although this product does not cure the virus aybula. But a life can be used as security technology.

Suicide attack on Maulana Fazlur Rehman was booked

QUETTA (Reuters) Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman on Tuesday's suicide attack case has been registered against unknown persons.
C Details of the provincial capital city police station SHO Fazlur Rehman on behalf of a suicide attack case has been registered against unknown terrorists, in the case of murder, attempted murder, terrorism and Explosives Act provisions are included.
The last ruzkuyth targeting Maulana Fazlur Rehman then they were back at the conference Mufti Mahmood, 3 people were killed and 14 injured in the blast were.

Apple's first computer, but the price offered for auction ...

New York (News Desk) 1976 ءmynaypl computer price was $ 666, now 420 pounds or forty years has been unleashed potential bid for the auction is $ 500,000. In this rare agurl History of computer science in the cell that is being sold with other items for sale from today in New York have been organized. Charles Darwin noted that a letter along with a computer, a sound producing device hultnr Helm, mathematician Luis Ida outlining the world's first electronic keyboard for sale hy.syl been placed in a unique computer sales the auction was the first computer which will be headlined its price has been very high and it is in good condition baujudbhy ancient being.