Monday, June 2, 2014

In Saudi Arabia, women and children raped four Pakistanis, has confessed

Riyadh (HIT ) in Saudi Arabia four Pakistani nation bent has an embarrassing incident , accused the 51 -year-old Pakistani woman and her 14 -year-old son subjected to rape and plunder the woman killed . Police report the victim's brother while processing the four suspects arrested . Reported this lady with her son in the Saudi capital on the third floor of a building in mnfuhh lived . After tying the woman's son accused of rape victim and the son hus subjected phrman made ​​. When looting in starting shouting at the woman accused of killing her and turned to run . 's Security personnel rushed to the scene when the victim was a woman lying on the ground , his legs were tied and the body there were numerous signs of wounds . Riyadh Governor Prince Turki bin Abdullah on the orders of Riyadh police chief culprits for the arrest operation , resulting in 20 to 30 years old, four arrested krlyagyajn anonymous were not the only nationality reported . According to police, the four accused, the confession illness and control and Investigation board for further action were handed over .

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