Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Prevent cyber crime FBI strange problem

Washington (News Desk ) U.S. intelligence agencies unfortunate that news emerged in recent days that the U.S. agency FBI (FBI) is trying to give people who work in the last three years myruana (Marijuana) should not touch the intoxicating herb . FBI Director James Komi (James Comey) White Collar Crime Institute (White Collar Crime Institute) said while addressing a function to deal with cyber crime , they want to recruit the best workers, but the problem is that some people want to put Minnesota on his way to the interview . He said that we are facing this issue . In addition , experts believe that the FBI is very against myruana and are having eased their stance . Despite achieving drug -free workers, it seems almost impossible that U.S. agencies will be no reduction in the manyun and bdmstyun .

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