Thursday, May 29, 2014

Modi came to power, the Hindu fanatics in India demanded a ban on the dawn call to prayer, protest

NEW DELHI (APP ): Prime Minister Modi came to power in India by Hindu extremists demanded a ban on prayer in the morning . According to Indian media morning call for a ban on extremist organization Third Rashtriya Sangh ( RSS) is from . By extremist Hindus demand comes at a time when the Bharatiya Janata Party, newly elected Prime Minister of India from Narendra Modi has taken the oath of office a day earlier . Reports stated that the extremist organization activists to ban the dawn call to prayer in mosques demonstrated in mangalore port city of Karnataka . The report said that RSS activists demonstrated outside the office of Deputy Commissioner mangalore call to Fajr prayer ban in the country . The protesters said the religious freedom of everyone else in India , but people from any other religion and society can not be allowed to disturb . Demonstration that those who participated in the call said a Hindu prayer people through painful damage should be arrested . India protests in another extremist organization Kranti Sena chief said the old Wanda until dawn call to prayer is not banned, it will continue to protest . Meanwhile, a militant organization in India BJP demands that the government and religious duty of Muslims to put hurdles in paying again the fears of clashes between Muslims and Hindus are born .

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