Friday, May 16, 2014

Bgram Afghanistan Pakistan have been in jail long qydmzyd 10 were

Lahore (HIT ) in Afghanistan under the control of bgra work in prison long detained 10 Pakistanis were killed . Bagram imprisoned in Pakistan for the legal battle with the lawyers nonprofit organization Justice to Protect Pakistan by prisoners relatives about the release of their loved ones shake Limited international Committee of the Red ( ICRC ) has been notified by . The prisoners were handed over to Pakistan by being the first light , Bismillah Khan , Iftikhar Ahmad , pyzukan says Shah , Abdul Sattar , King Khalid , Wajid Rehman , Mohammad Rahmatullah and includes advice for a long time in jail without charges and bagram judicial proceedings are imprisoned .will be . Rhakyy in the Pakistani prisoners including Iftikhar Ahmad from Pakpattan District in Punjab , but the last four years because of blocks being incarcerated mentally ill has become Iftikhar Ahmad . Iftikhar Ahmad mzdurhy and Quetta to labor but was absent in 2010 and revealed that the ICRC is in jail aftkarbagram America . Lawyers nonprofit organization Justice to Protect Pakistan 2010 bagram imprisoned Pakistanis release struggled for which the Lahore High Court writ filed has the same Court of Justice Khalid Mahmood Khan directedHowever , despite ten more prisoners are still in prison nearly 24 Pakistani bagram

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