Thursday, May 15, 2014

Drone attack in Pak-Afghan border region, killing 10 militants, 14 wounded

Tazyan (News Desk) A U.S. drone attack in Pak-Afghan border area tazyan Ten militants were killed and 14 wounded . Media reports, in Nangarhar province of Afghanistan embassy section near the Pakistani border region tazyan drones targeted a hideout of militants fired missiles . U.S. drone attacks killed 10 militants and wounded 14 . The political administration , the spy plane Pak-Afghan border area Nazyan banned Lashkar-e- Islam's whereabouts attacked the spy -3 missiles were fired . While foreign news agency circa Research official says militants some vehicles destroyed two militants near the Pak-Afghan border groups are already fighting among themselves . After drone missile strike in the bottom of a flight which is spread panic in the area .

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