Friday, June 13, 2014

15 fighters in Syria seal the widowed head of the right to demand

Damascus (ICRC) Syrian city of Homs, a widow who lives with her marriage to a man who fought in support of President Bashar Assad as fifteen fighters head to the demand of dowry. As well as the conditions imposed for divorce fifty heads. Evening's Tribal Council leading member of the Arab media Haji Ahmad alrmylat the evening the mother of four sons in the war shdhunyualy amsh alfaauryh aka "Um martyr 'relationship was undersigned. 75-year-old Haji Ahmad alrmylat amsh alfaauryh the condition is accepted and right now they are arranging the seal. She said a close relative of alrmylat alrmylat alshdaءsy offered for marriage are ready to implement the conditions, such brave women who are rarely available even the most difficult circumstances confronting the enemy every type of gait endure injuries go, my four sons and my husband alternately have sacrificed in war.

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