Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Miranshah: Tribesmen show loyalty to Pakistan for the Pakistani flag at home

Miranshah (IHC) and Miranshah in North Waziristan tribesmen loyal to Pakistan, Pakistani flag lhradyyy ghrunpr for the show. According to a private TV channel, said residents of the area. These days there has been a sharp increase in sales of the Pakistani flag. Because local people have their homes raised the national flag of Pakistan want to avoid shelling prove their loyalty. Said a tribal flags here not only increased sales, but the people on the roof of his family to have been topped. These flags can be seen easily from a distance. According to a private TV channel banned militant organization Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader by Abu Ibrahim said in a statement released on the website. Aurgulh turn forces air strikes that local people are afraid. So he has started wearing the Pakistani flag on their homes. Abu Ibrahim said that it is beyond our understanding how the Pakistani flag hoisting bombs and rockets can be defended against.

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