Thursday, June 5, 2014

Iran, Pakistan, North Korea's international reputation, the most affected

London , Islamabad (ICRC) , according to a global survey, Iran , Pakistan and North Korea are the countries of the world have the most negative feedback . British Broadcasting Corp. in an annual review of the world nearly 25 thousand people from 24 countries participated in the survey and the international polling firm Globe Scan Program on International Policy aytycyudz ( cask ) combined with . Since December 2013 , according to the survey conducted during April 2014 about 60 percent of Iran while negative opinion about Pakistan and North Korea were found to be 58 percent owner of such opinion . Israel is ranked fourth in the negative effect of about 50 percent of the feedback was negative . In the last survey , 57 percent of the world Pakistan had expressed negative opinions about the impact of the additional one percent rate increase this year . Pakistan Institute of positive feedback about the rate was only 16% which is the lowest . Iran to other countries included in the survey only showed a small positive rate . In 22 of the countries polled mostly negative opinion about Pakistan found the feedback was positive in only two of them had a self- Pakistan and the other in Indonesia .

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