Saturday, June 28, 2014

Barbaric treatment of foreign workers in Qatar

Doha (IHC) provoked foreign workers in Qatar's capital to control the four buses for the police, fire brigade and ambulance vehicles under a number of hotels reached syrayn spread fear and panic among the citizens. The world-renowned network of syrayn hotel located in Doha, the building is being built, and hundreds of workers are from overseas. Workers had a break for lunch at noon when he tried to get out of the building for food and drinks on the guards stopped them and insisted workers and tortured them to try out. UK workers also threw stones from which a war-like situation occurred. Authorities to control the number of police and other agencies sent personnel to the scene. Buses, police, fire brigade and ambulance seeing Qatari boys and especially the citizens of Western countries were terrified and trying to find out about the incident. Violation of workers' rights came about in diameter on the news in the international media has given special attention.

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