Saturday, June 28, 2014

6-year old woman's body was rot, someone did not inform

London (News Desk) The materialistic western society, men were unaware of each other that England is such a helpless elderly woman has died in his home for six years, and his body was lying at home decrepit, but neighbors had not reported. NC woman over the age of seventy dorset county town of Leitrim urine was living alone in Portsmouth. Although his house is located in a block of flats where several families live but some deaths were not reported. The windows of the house were open and the rear garden is often a walk but do not ever think that the elderly woman went into the house to try to know what is happening. Anne's death in 2008, and within six years, until his body was in the house. Local authorities to collect some old debts Anne arrived home decrepit body harrowing scene was waiting for them. The body was lying on the floor near the bed, which had a hand on the chest, which shows that poor woman died of a heart attack. Locals say they think that Anne left the house and has moved elsewhere. But he lamented the fact that no one ever bothered to know the truth do not.

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