Thursday, June 5, 2014

The amazing aspect of the life of Michael Jackson

New York (News Desk) hardly ever any artist in the history of the world that fame , wealth and glamor come to see as part of the Michael Jackson Secret Corners of the artist 's life more than the life of this amazing show 're getting . ' Protecting Michael Jackson his final CD Hayes ' book , which is written by Michael's Body Guard was revealed that only two years before his death, Michael for the first time in my life happened to see homeless people . Bodyguard says Michael Witt field when you see people living along the road from lymuzyn glasses when asked why they are in this state . Witt said the field of homeless people if Michael's eyes were filled with uncertainty and surprises and a woman called and $ 300 at close . Bodyguard says homeless people whilst Michael was so impressed that I sleep all night sharing hundred dollars .was . He warned of a threat to the security of secret key parts of the house were also approved . Michael by his family and relatives was the victim of severe problems . Witt says the field once his younger brother Randy attacked her house and stood on the street was chanting and giving his money Michael commotion lasted more than two hours and finally Michael considered to be the father , and his younger brother were sent back off . The book also revealed that Michael took care of their children and a very loving father . Witt says the field is occasionally used to meet a friend at night, but always goes back before getting the kids to wake up in order to spend time with them .

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