Sunday, June 29, 2014

Obsessive his body was scuppered

Berlin (HIT) in Western society in the name of art, some people have started such a heinous act that the "ugly art" but can not name. Germany's 23-year-old Joel mglr one of these so-called artists. He cut his body from the place where the nail holes and the role they have earrings. And so it is very unfortunate that the artist in both his cheeks, has three and a half inch hole. Of which look out his teeth and tongue. This shameful act, rather than a feeling of shame that one of these holes tongue out and demonstrate that cigarette smoke extract. Unfortunately, Joel's mother, her partner and her hobbies evil curse that rather than encouraging it. Psychologists believe that the human body, which is the great gift of nature. Thus it violates people usually suffer from severe inferiority, and to get the attention of such abominable acts are not stopped.

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