Thursday, June 5, 2014

Suicide bomber kills teacher, Ashiq Mehsud, Miranshah tense

Miranshah (IHC) in Miranshah , headquarters of North Waziristan Taliban commander from firing lover Mehsud maragyahy mahrtsur which is the preparation of suicide bombers , are tense after firing Miranshah . Miranshah bazaar , according to local sources hrmz village near the unidentified attackers opened fire and shelling attacks lover maragyajbkh frarhugyy Mehsud . Taliban sources lover shryargrup Mehsud result, immigrants are fighting between Taliban groups . Remembered that Mehsud group snjnagrup and there is tension in the past several weeks about the Taliban leadership Did sljhalyy have issues . Miranshah after the shootings and Miranshah while tense forms Juma Khan Road has been closed for traffic .

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