Monday, June 2, 2014

The U.S. military freed after the war failed in love

New York (News Desk) The Taliban in Guantanamo prison in exchange for the release of five colleagues " Boa brgdl " The U.S. military released , but the return is going to get a severe blow to the sarjt . Five years ago, " Boa " was imprisoned , his girlfriend, "Monica " was 19 . "Monica " on different forums " Boa brgdl " had been urged to release something but could not . Save this regard that the U.S. military sent him to continue his life as usual . Monica followed the instructions completely and in 2012 Justin found a new partner . According to the paper, the news release Boa brgdl Monica has been a victim of disputes that can be done . His childhood friendship with the U.S. military , but they are also very happy with his new partner . Both have family ties to the U.S. military 's withdrawal is both disturbing situation .

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